Sensors and sensitivity: drone sensor payloads used at mine sites
by Measure Australia
Sensor payloads used frequently - and some used far less frequently - in mining applications
Sensors for mounting to drones have proliferated in the past 1-3 years, with a plethora of new and newly affordable devices available. Advances in miniaturisation and weight reduction accelerated the trend.
While most drone data capture at mine sitescontinues to be image and spatial lidarbased,or potentially thermographic, there are many other sensors available. The type and specification of the sensor is limited by the drone’s size and thus payload capacity, and determined by the application.
Below you’ll see our list of the next most popular sensor payloads for the mining sector, after lidar, imagery and thermo. Let us know the less common drone mounted sensors you’ve used at mine sites on social!
Infrared sensor payload
There’s a vast number of mine site uses for infrared (IR) sensors includingelectrical equipment analysis, pipeline inspection, leak detection, and building efficiency. Infrared sensors are relatively low cost and can either emit or receive IR signals – this is useful as virtually all materials with temperature greater than 0K emit infrared waves.
Movie 'Predator' famously saw Arnold Schwarzenegger's character targetted with infrared thermal imaging (credit: The Walt Disney Company); thermal imaging uses mid or long wavelength IR
Infrared is convenient for mining environments as it is unaffected by ambient light, humidity or smoke – however its signals can be distorted by high temperatures, thick dust or fire.
Applications include
barrier detection
equipment monitoring, particularly for overheating
obscured equipment monitoring
coal seam heat detection
low light object or personnel detection
Magnetic sensor payload
Magnetometers detect and measure changes in magnetic fields. Multiple magnetometric readings can be used to triangulate deposits including beneath the surface of the earth.
Applications include
Mineral detection in exploration
Magnetic mapping in mineral exploration - anomalies shown with depth
Ultrasonic sensor payload
Ultrasonic sensors are widely used in industrial applications, because they detect a wide array of materials, are unimpeded by difficult surfaces and able to work in a variety of challenging environments. Ultrasonic sensors emit high-frequency sound and detect feedback waves and operate well in smaller application areas.
Applications include
level indication
distance detection
Air quality sensor payload
Air quality sensors take a variety of specific measurements for chemical composition, dust monitoring, gas detection and more. The readings are used to ensure air quality remains in healthy range for personnel andto monitorthe safety of materials stored at the site (tailing dam, stockpiles, etc). Drones are a good method of air monitoring, to capture status at a range of elevations and distances.
Elemental air composition sensorsmay operate on non-dispersive infrared, shining the IR beam through samples and interpreting IR absorption at specific wavelengths to identify gas concentration. Sensors can be calibrated to detect multiple gas types. Such sensors can detect high concentrations of gases such as carbon dioxide. Electrochemical optical and ultrasound sensors may also be used, with type indicated by conditions, application type.
Fugitive gas emission detectionmonitoring is a major area of focus for environmental and operative efficiency.
Chemical symbol
Carbon Monoxide
Colourless, odorless gas
Nitrogen Dioxide
Highly reactive gas
Pale blue gas
Sulphur Dioxide
Colourless, irritating smell gas
PM2.5 and PM10
Particulate Matter
Inhalable particles
Metal particles
Applications include
gas detection and composition
fugitive gas emission
particulate matter concentration
Hyperspectral sensor payload
Drone mounted hyperspectral sensors detect reflectance from the surface or reflected radiation. Hyperspectral analysis enablescontent analysis at face and in processing – however as a drone mounted sensor, its main use is in mineral mapping and quarry research.
Applications include
mineral mapping
airborne mineral mapping
cement production
environmental impact assessment
exploration and geology
quarry analysis
RGB Sensor payload
RGB (red-green-blue) sensors offer highly accurate colour detection, which can be used in mining applications to indicate content and depth evaluation. Some RGB sensors will, in addition to indicating colour content RGB value, include a transparency sensor as well, to indicate opacity.
RGB sensors can be mounted on drones for use in surveying, mapping stockpile calculations, inspections and more – however in our experience, direct image capture with a camera will deliver a better result with lower power consumption.
Application include
colour detection in ore conveyance
image capture
Get started with drone data collection in mining by downloading our ebook, with advice to help you configure your ideal programme.