In the era of social distancing, countless industries have been turned upside down. Companies deemed non-essential, or those that are not required to keep society moving forward, have effectively been ordered to stop working in many areas. Despite the importance of safety and asset inspectors and surveyors, many of these businesses have been required to cease operations until further notice.
For those seeking a way to drive revenue in the current climate, there are opportunities that permit ongoing activities without violating remote working policies while keeping costs competitive. The use of drones can circumvent the restrictions placed on workers while delivering effective and cost-efficient solutions to customers.
Employing Drones in Asset Inspections
Under normal circumstances, the inspection process is very hands-on. Professionals visit clients and assess properties in person, coming to determinations based on expertise and observation. However, currently, that is not an option in many parts of the country. While some inspection operations have felt forced to shutter, others have embraced the opportunity to try new alternatives that can enhance the customer experience.
Drones are a valuable tool in many industrial and recreational applications, but the use in asset inspection can be extremely important in a time that compromises normal workflows. Available even when staff are being isolated due to rules surrounding social distancing or even to risk of illness, drones can be the eyes and ears on the ground, doing the work that you can’t do. With the ability to capture images and take precise measurements, Measure Australia can provide critical information that makes it possible for to meet deadlines, serve clients, and continue driving income.
The Value of Lidar Laser Scanning
Measure Australia can go above and beyond simply taking photos and through a drone. Current technology offers a far more robust experience, providing enhanced tools for greater capabilities.
Measure Australia’s drone-based LiDAR can penetrate through a tree leaf or other thin objects, as well as passing through the space between vegetation. This allows for a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) to be built in an area covered by trees or vegetation. This can provide valuable information that would normally be collected manually, leading to virtually the same results in half the time. This data provides an excellent alternative to traditional methods, making it easy to gather the data necessary to come to informed decisions.
The Benefits of Drones
The advantages of using Measure Australia’s drone-based LiDAR and asset inspections can be vast, including:
Decreased costs: with a reduction in both the require time to conduct an inspection & survey as well as necessary human capital, drones can save money over traditional methods
Efficient results: with drone-based inspections & LiDAR, Measure Australia can collect more detailed and highly accurate information compared to a traditional inspector or surveyor, ensuring the data collected can be used to make faster and more informed business decisions
Reduced risk: drones can also make it safer and easier to inspect & survey hazardous and hard to access areas
If you are feeling the pressure from the Coronavirus pandemic sweeping the world or simply want to refine your operations to improve efficiencies, drones can be an excellent way to enhance current offerings. With benefits including decreased costs and expedited results, it’s possible to help your business grow and develop, even when you can’t be on a job site in person.
If you are interested in learning more about Measure Australia’s asset inspections and liDAR laser surveys, please send through an enquiry and one of our friendly BD staff will give you a call.